The VMARS Archive
VMARS make their entire collection of E-manuals available to the world - free and downloadable without passwords. Because of Crown Copyright, the only exception to this is British military Clansman data, which is available on request to VMARS members only.
The manuals listed are readily available - these can be found on the
Index of documents available online
page. VMARS have other material available on paper, but if you ask for it (and we have it) we cannot undertake to provide you a copy in any fixed timeframe, because we simply do not have the manpower available to do so. If you are working for a museum based in the UK, then we may lend you the material (on paper) so you can make your own copy, however you will need to be prepared to pay the cost of secure postage from our archive and back. A copy of what we hold on paper is available from us on request.
There are now many sources of equipment manuals on the internet, both free and paid for and the standard of the material varies greatly, many providing very poor scans often in inappropriate file formats. Whilst these are useful in some circumstances, the aim of the VMARS archive is to make available high quality copies of the original material. Where the original is in poor condition this entails a considerable amount of work to produce a finished file that meets a minimum standard. For more information see
Soft Copy Standards.
website has an extensive list of American radio, radar and ancillary equipment which contains photographs, video and circuit diagrams and it can be viewed
Enquiries and comments: archivist[at]vmars/dot/org/dot/uk